Can a lenovo 90fb0001us run overwatch?

I have a lenovo 90fb0001us with a intel i5 8gb memory and GeForce GT 730 graphics. I want to know if it can run overwatch on medium to high settings, if at all.

The minimum GPU requirement for Nvidia is the GTX 460, which is a lot better than the 730:" class='ext_link'>

But according to the requirements, it can also run on Intel HD 4400. That's a lot weaker than the 730:

You will probably be able to run it, but you will also probably be stuck on 720p low settings if you want over 30 FPS.

Bare minimum is a gtx 460… According to benchmarks… I'd skip that game…

as you can see the gtx 460 outperforms your gt 730 by-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y… 163%… Just walk away…

My gt 630 could barely run cs go so probably no.