Mute button stuck on Lenovo Thinkpad

Okay so basically I pressed the mute button on my mum s laptop earlier and it's ******* stuck now, she s pissed please help me
It's the mute button on the keyboard the little white light is on ad when I press it on the screen it says it's unmuted but really it isn't and the light stays on
I also shut the laptop down and it updated with the stupid mute button on, could it have had anything to do with it?
please help guys i#ve been googling and I can't find anything my mum s so angry help

Sounds like the key is physically stuck. You can try and clean it very carefully (laptop keys are easy to break) or replace the keyboard if all else fails.

Which model of Lenovo ThinkPad? (Look at the info on the bottom of the laptop)

And, no, the Update didn't have anything to do with the MUTE button. That's a good one.

If the keyboard is broke, you need to get it replaced. You can't unspill milk…

I had the exact problem described (Win10/1709 muted via keyboard hdw. Orange LED on above keypad…) For me I found that if I turned on the function lock (FN+Esc), then toggled mute with FN+F1 (not the mute button over the keyboard), It muted the OS, but unmuted the hardware, turning off the orange LED. Then I left-clicked the volume icon in the tooltray and unmuted the OS by clicking the x next to the speaker icon, everything started working again. Not very intuitive…

excellent I got the volume to work! Thanks all

I have the same problem, I upgraded to windows 10 recently and I had the button on mute. When I finshed downloading Windows, the computer automatically turned on the volume and now the light just stays on even when the volume is on.

Sihina Your instructions worked PERFECTLY! While the fix wasn't intuitive, your instructions were. Thanks for helping me with a very frustrating problem!

This helped me too - thanks

Thanks Sihina

Thank you Sihina!

Thank you Sihina! My help desk couldn't figure it out but you did!

comment yes can Lenovo C R A P


hello, i got the same issue, i also had it a while ago and shinina's comment helped but now it wont work, i got the lenovo E14 does anyone know how to fix it?


Thanks. It worked for me too.

Thank you Sihina

Oh thank you it just worked for me too! Can't believe this is such a common problem with a weird way to fix it!

Solved my problem as well. Thanks

Thank you Sihina!

Sihinia, that was the solution to my problem, thank you so much!

recently I bought ThinkPad E15, from the first system was mute, then after updating the the windows system unmuted. But after few day the the mute button permanently muted (always red light on) for a month and on day I simply check whether it is working or not, It was working, I don't know how? And one more major issue, system is having some buzzing issue when I play the sound. Can anyone suggest me what is exact problem? Its new laptop should I return or this problem can be resolved?