Can I play minecraft on my Lenovo Yoga 2 pro Ultrabook?

If so… How do I do that?

As long as your computer meets the Spec Requirements to run the game then yes you can. It's not whether or not you can run Minecraft on a specific computer, it's IF you can run it in general. If you can then go to the Minecraft website and download their launcher and install it from there.

PATHETIC that Levono's own site can't simply answer a very simple, one word answer question of CAN I PLAY MINECRAFT ON MY LENOVO YOGA 2 PRO ULTRABOOK! Why do you "techie" people want to complicate and ramify a straight forward question with a tortuous, Gordian answer? Its far from impressive. Rather it skates borders of ignorance. Site after site of rams and gigas and bytes blah blah blah. Hey did it ever occur to you data dumping drones that if I knew all those terms and applications, I would not have asked the question? What a life you must have - not. Sorry, not sorry.