Computer Repair Store Incorrectly Repaired My PC, What Can I Do?

So, a couple of months ago, my Lenovo Y410P got a soda spill on it. The keyboard was backlit, so the liquid couldn't seep further because of a plating on the back. This means all I had to do was get the keyboard replaced. I took it to a local repair store, ACR, and was told that they could order a replacement keyboard and have it installed. I received the PC back, and it wasn't until I flipped it over to take it apart and clean it that I noticed they stripped a screw. They also installed the keyboard at an angle, and the outer piece fits fine while the side close to the screen is elevated by about a sixth of an inch. I want to know if I should take it back to them, another repair store, to court, etc. The keyboard actually gives downward a bit if I push on it, seems hazardous. Suggestions?

My pc is restart,.