How to connect a ps4 to an All IN ONE Desktop? - 1

I bought an Lenovo (SN: P90061SZ) which has an hdmi in & out port at the back. I'm trying to connect my PS4 to it because of it's 1080p High quality. So, do I put the hdmi cable on out or in? Also, how do I go to the hdmi screen because this model doesn't have a button for me to do that?

IF it's an actual HDMI in, then it should be obvious you connect to HDMI IN, since it's INput FROM the PS4, not OUTput TO the PS4. So HDMI IN = INput… OUT = OUTput… *logic*.

Second, you can only connect it if the device is HDCP enabled as the PS4 has HDCP enabled by default.

Check the manual for changing your input IF that's what it has.

You can't

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