How to stop thses FPS drops when using Fraps?

Ok so I recently got Fraps to record my gaming exploits. When using it with League of Legends it tends to cause frequent and annoying fps spikes. Hoping to remedy this I tried the lolrecorder program, hoping that recording a recording would stop the spikes… It did not. I even resorted to lowering all graphics levels to the minimum, windowed mode, fullscreen, and borderless window. I have even tried using different options on fraps, such as locking the framerate, nothing seems to remedy this.

Now, I use a laptop, Lenovo 410, and it runs all my games perfectly at the highest settings.
I'm fairly certain the fact that it is a laptop is a factor, I'm hoping it is not because I would really like to be able to record things without needing to buy a desktop… I read something about the hardrive that fraps is writing to also containing the game itself could be the reason, if so could I simply get a flashdrive and fix it that way? I know they do not write as fast as a regular hardrive but one can hope right?

Use OBS. It's free and it's better than Fraps.

The CPU is likely having a hard time keeping up, especially if it doesn't have a dedicated graphics card (Intel 4000 graphics etc are basically just graphics running off the CPU) If it does have a graphics card and it's made by Nvidia you can try their recording software called shadowplay.