Which graphics card will work for my Thinkcentre 8183?

I want to make sure I but the right type of card. I do not know if I should get a Nvidia Card or a Ati Radeon card. My computer is a IBM Thinkcentre 8183 UUA

Doing a bit of research lead me to the following link:


I an assuming your machine is still stock.

Well an AGP slot is available, so you do have an upgrade path but not a long one. The fastest AGP cars are from ATI. You would do well with a Radeon 3650. They are still available and don't require the extra 6 pin connector that the 3850 do. You may have a smallish power supply as these low end boxes tend to have. A PSU upgrade for this wouldn't need to be more than 400 to 500W. This would give you plenty of head room for game playing. A bit of a bump in memory would be a Real Good Idea, too. At the very least another gigabyte of RAM, if not all the way to 2. You will notice a difference here. XP really likes RAM and you have been starving it.

I have had fine luck with both brands but I tend to lean toward Nvidia more. More importantly is your computers ability to use the card you are looking at. Make sure you are getting a card that plugs into a slot you have available on your motherboard PCI, AGP etc.

Another important thing to make sure is that your computer's power supply is sufficient to handle the new card. The card should have some system requirements on it like software does. For instance, if you put a card in that requires a 350 watt power supply into a computer that has a 300 watt it could cause some damage.

I would go with an Nvidia chip set because I have had the best experience with them and they seem to benchmark better than the ATI's. Make sure you know what kind of Graphics slot you are running, PCI express or AGP.