Windows 7 black screen on start up?

Hi, I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate. Today, I encountered a problem. In the middle of me working on windows 7, suddenly everything hung up and only the desktop theme appeared. Tried CTRL-ALT-DLT but windows throwed me an error saying something along the lines "failed to complete operation". Rebooted by Lenovo Laptop only to see a black screen and a mouse cursor. Windows booted fine but upon the start up, I get only a black screen with a movable cursor mouse.

Like I said, the CTRL-ALT-DLT doesn't work. Tried safe mode and still the problem persist. Even in safe mode, I get a black screen and a mouse cursor. Tried system restore but, Unfortunately, I do not have any restore points to restore the system to. Also, tried system repair on windows CD and got a message saying windows can't detect any problem.

I have been struggling with this issue for the past 12 days. I know the easy way around is to reinstall win7 but I have some valuable data, excel and official documents in win 7 and can't afford to loose it.

I have a dual OS on my laptop "win xp" along with win 7 and xp boots fine.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me fix this problem. I'm even ready to reinstall win7 provided if anyone can suggest me a solution as to how not to loose data with a fresh win7 install.

I need a fix for this black screen on start up very badly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you are able to boot it into xp and it works fine then you should also be able to access your files and data so that you can back it up to another location. As long as it is just data then it shouldn't matter what O/S you are using to get the data, it's just data, so use XP to back up your documents, favorites, email, etc. To an alternate drive.

Once you have backed everything up, then you are going to need to wipe that drive of both operating systems if you hope to get a good installation, assuming the problem you are having is a software issue not a hardware issue.

Most likely the problem is because you've installed two different operating systems onto one drive, never a good idea. In your case, XP is not even supported any longer it's so old (awesome, but old), and it's actually not even an operating system it's a program, whereas Windows 7 is actually an operating system. It's surprising that you haven't had problems trying to run both of those off the same drive before now.

Open your cabinet make sure Your Network cable is Unplugged
Clean RAM and put it again.

Then start machine in safe mode, it takes much time but don't worry, its due to power problem, some files are getting closed by KILL command that's why it happens, and in this process may be file get damaged, window 7 comes with damage repair so you just need to wait, Up-to the system start

Try F8 and repair driver automatically tool.

You can use IDE/SATA to USB adapter to plug in your HDD to another computer and get your stuff off of it. Look it up on ebay i got mine for $5. Just make sure to watch tutorials on Youtube first.

Don't know if you can do this, but it's worth a try?
Check Disk

If you can I would suggest that you run chkdsk /r, this will repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information.

Click on Start, click on Run and type cmd in the box and press Enter.

You will see an image similar to the one below.

Type in or copy and paste chkdsk /r

You will get the following message:

Chkdsk can't run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to shcedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

Press the Y key, then press Enter

Restart your computer to run the scan. This has five sections and will take some time. Please don't try to use your computer while this scan is running.

There's a file titled i386 which contains a copy of the pci.sys file that you can overwrite the corrupted one with.

You will need to go to Start, then click on Run. Then copy and paste the appropriate command below.

If this computer does not have SP3 copy and paste this in the Run box, press Enter copy c:\windows\system32\dllcache\pci.sys c:\windows\system32\drivers

When you are asked if you want to overwrite the existing file respond in the affirmative, you should get the message 1 file(s) was copied.

If this computer does have SP3 copy and paste this in the Run box, press Enter copy c:\windows\ServicePackFiles\i386\pci.sys c:\windows\system32\drivers

When you are asked if you want to overwrite the existing file respond in the affirmative, you should get the message 1 file(s) was copied.