How to turn of caps lock indicator on a new Lenovo Yoga 3 14?

I got a new computer today, and I've been adjusting all the settings and getting everything working, but the stupid caps lock indicator is driving me insane. I spent 2 hours trying to research how to disable it permanently and no luck. It's ridiculously annoying and I'm ripping out hairs trying to figure this out.

People recommend going to Display in control panel, and go into advanced > on screen settings. I don't have that. People recommend uninstalling Lenovo Energy/Power Management. I don't have those. What else can I do? The stupid pop up is 1/6 of the screen.

Figured it out, but the links above/below mentioned all the solutions that I said my computer didn't have so I can't award best answer to that person, I'm sorry.

This is also driving me crazy. Could you please post your solution?

This is also driving me insane. What is the solution?