Building a Gaming Computer, would like a little

So i've always been kind of a nerd, and i've been wanting to build a gaming computer for as long as i can remember. I've been stuck with a Lenovo T61 laptop and am hating every second of it. Right now, i'm only running Garry's Mod, Minecraft and Heavily modded minecraft… Because that is all i can run. And my computer has trouble with those two games even on the lowest settings… I usually get 5-20 fps.

For my computer, i don't want the brand new top of the line tech that just came out, but i do want recent and impressive hardware. I'm looking for stuff that can make my computer run like a beast.
I'm willing to pay rather high but am more hoping for the mid-high range stuff.

i would like to be able to run simple (minecraft and gmod) and more high end games (Ghosts, BF4) quite easily.

In the process of building a new computer, and was wondering if you guys could help me out with recommendations. I have read up on a lot covering building a computer, but it still isn't quite clear. I know you have to match the hardware, you can't really just throw in any mother board, graphics card, and gpu. It all has to be able to work together.

And that brings me to the final problem and question, I can't seem to come up with a good build. My dad (A head IT manager) tells me to go with Intel, maybe an i6 or i7, but the interwebz tells me to go with AMD. My paps, says 16GB of ram should be more than enough, but i want to know what fellow gamers think.

Intel CPUs are generally faster in games than AMD. People who are budget-minded tend to opt for AMD -- as their processors offer a good balance between price/performance. But performance-wise, Intel is faster, period. Benchmarks speak for themselves… And 16GB of RAM is pure overkill for gaming. 8GB is more than enough. Even the most demanding games today don't exceed 4GB of RAM…

What is your budget?

I suggest you use Intel if you have the money for it. Intel is generally a lot better in mainly it's architecture, but if you want to go the budget way, you'd be better off using AMD, but in the end Intel is a better choice. The i5-4670K is a beast, but if you really want to go nuts, you can use the i7-4770K (Quad core, but due to Hyper threading it has 8 logical cores). For RAM 16GB DDR3 1600MHz is more than enough. If your motherboard has 4 RAM slots, and you want to upgrade later it's better to go for 2x8GB RAM.
For a GPU you can get a GTX 750 1GB or 2GB, that should run basically anything. If you want to really get high settings on newer games, you can get a GTX 760 2GB, and even the 4GB version.
More I don't have to say, so I hope this helps.

Since you didn't provide a clear budget, I'm going to give you some guidelines. The main thing about a gaming build is a video card, however that doesn't mean you should skimp on everything else. Things like the case or power supply might not seem important, but they keep your build alive. Here are some good guidelines to go with
Cpu- AMD processors are mostly for budget builds, but this doesn't mean they're bad. (I have the FX-6300 myself and for $30 less than the cheapest i3, it can be on part with an i5. However if you are willing to spend a little more for your build, Intel is the way to go.
Motherboard-Do not skimp on this! This is the heart of your build Some good brands are Asus, Gigabyte, Asrock and sometimes.Msi
Ram- G-Skill is good budget Ram that can blow your socks off. Corsair is a bit more expensive but it's reliable and everything you need.
Video Card-The. Other heart of your gaming build. Funnel your money here. Do a lot of research!
Power supply- corsair.

There's no Intel i6.

if your on a budget, go with an i5, 3Ghz or higher on a new generation CPU. Most games will perform just as well on the i5 as they would on an i7. If your on a tight budget, go with an AMD equivalent CPU.

8Gb for a gaming machine would be more than enough RAM.

if your not going to be overclocking, 1333mhz speed RAM will be fine, if you intend to overclock go with 1600mhz, this should get you a pretty good overclock if you have a good CPU cooler.

Have a look on PC Part Picker (just goolge it) to find compatable parts.

make sure you put most of your budget into the Graphics card, and don't skimp on the PSU, Cheap PSU cause a lot of problems.

I5 3rd or 4th generation
16gb of ram 1600mhz 4x4gb
gpu: AMD HD7850 or HD7770 (your budget)

don't go for AMD CPU they have heating problem
but AMD GPU are really good for gaming