Can't install windows 7 in lenovo ideapad flex 10 windows setup load driver error?

I have tried turning bios on legacy mode and legacy first but the same load driver error arises when i try to install windows7 on this laptop btw i have windows 8 installed on it.

Have you formatted the drive?
if not, do it before attempting to install windows 7.
windows 8 will not let you overwrite it
with a lesser operating system.

Wiindows 7 hard drive file format is different from W8 file format, I can see loads of big problems heading your way if you if format the drive install windows 7, Microsoft didn't use UEFI when the released W7, That only came with W8, The reason for that was to stop users from installing other operating systems on the system Now you have found out that W7 will not install on the W8 system, here is the reason why. When you boot up with the W7 Install disk, it looks at the hardware, Being that W8 uses a different hard drive File format W7 can't see it, Next problem is Microsoft are not allowed to distribute manufactures hardware drivers, you will need to go to lenovo customer service website and download all the hardware drivers for your computer. Put them on a UBS drive ready to use when you start to install W7, Next problem your going to have to format your hard drive, how are you going to do that, you will have to download a hard drive utilities file then write the ISO file image to a CD/DVD disk or a USB Drive. And boot your computer up with the Live utilities disk and format the drive. Once that is done then Insert the W7 stall disk and boot up W7 to install it. Microsoft do not want users to use W7 they want every windows user to download and install W10 so you may have problems once you have install W7.

A better suggestion would be to download and install a Free Linux Operating System on your computer. Below is a Linux operating systems that I recommend you take a look at It cost you nothing to Look but you will be more the wiser for looking at the website, Check it out now These free operating systems are up2date August 2015, you can't get any more up2date than that, Zorin Linux works like Windows Xp, 2000, W7 or Mac os/x desktops you canpick any you want at the click of the mouse button. So check it out for yourself. Other Linux distributions are at distrowatch Now you know the rest is up to You!