Fix up laptop scratches not on a glassy cover?

My laptop is a Lenovo Yoga 2. I have used it for a while but I'm getting a different laptop and plan on selling my Yoga. Problem is, I have quite a few scratches on the outside cover, and it isn't the glossy covers that are most commonly seen. So I tried searching online for tutorials that told me how to clean it up, but all of them are tutorials for to remove scratches from glossy covers. So my questions are: Does it make a difference if it is a glossy cover or not? Is it even possible to remove scratches from covers that aren't glossy? If so, what's the best way to do it?

It all depends on how bad the scratch is, also keep in mind that glossy covers are easier to repair scratches on. If they are MINOR surface scratches, then the technique may work. But this is a risk you are going to have to take if you want any results

That'll do donkey, that'll do.