Gaming laptop for under 1000$?

So I want a good gaming laptop with all the best stuff for only 1000$ or under. I need help because I'm going to get a desktop later on in life from the some people. So what's a good one?

Added (1). I know how to build a computer (desktop) I built one before its just time that i don't have. I'm going to japan to study there and I need a good gaming laptop to keep me busy for 6 mouths and help me with homework

I'm hesitating between the Asus g46 and Lenovo y410. Both look cool. Previously owned an Asus g73 and that was the best. Kept it for 4 years then sold to get something smaller for UNi. Gaming on a laptop is just as good as desktops, and not a great price difference one you start to have to buy a screen and keyboard. Only downside isyou can't take apart the laptop to upgrade parts.

Please do yoursellf a favor cuz all pre builds are a overpriced paperweight. Get a custom desktop. If not or if so with this much you can easily afford a CPU: AMD black eddition 8 core a 1TD HDD 16 gig of ram. Talk to a local pc shop and ask a few things.

Look at both Asus and Lenovo over the summer I bought a Lenovo y400 for $735 and it's a great gaming laptop. It's fast and plays all my game with no problem.