How long do I have until I have to replace battery?

Right now I just got a notication saying "Consider replacing your battery" and it has a red X on the battery icon. How much longer do I have until I have to replace it? I'm using a Lenovo thinkpad X200 and I have it on power saver mode. I checked the batteries online and they go for $40 but I'm broke so this is why I wanted to know how much longer I got!

Added (1). Lenovo laptop thinkpad X200

Added (2). Everytime I use my laptop, I always keep it charging even if its 100%

If it's not causing a problem, leave it in. So far seems to be OK.
I usually just take the battery out if manual says this is OK to do charger-wise and if you are just using the laptop as a desktop replacement. Why not just get a desktop? They are cheaper to maintain. Especially if you don't need the portability. Portability is what laptops and tablets are for - battery power.
some batteries just go out, but most are OK. $150 for battery.

To be honest, you don't really need a battery unless you plan on using the laptop on the go.

Well if its only lasting 10 mins on battery alone then you need to replace it, if your getting over a hour then ignore the warning. If you only use it on mains power just remove the battery altogether.

You never have to replace it if you just have it sitting on your desk or table or whatever, but if you want battery life then you should replace it. You have forever to replace it. Your computer will not explode if you don't I can assure you that.