How to fix the Plugged in, not charging notification on my Lenovo G50 laptop?

I have a Lenovo G50 laptop and a few days ago my laptop charger was overheated(not the original charger) and stopped working. The original laptop charger was 65W 20V and the second one was 45W 20V.

After the second charger overheated I got a new one which is 95W 20V. Ever since I plugged it in it starts charging for 20 seconds and then it shows "plugged in, not charging". But it seems to be charging okay when the laptop is on sleep or turned off.

What can cause this and how do I fix it?

Added (1). P.S. Sorry for bad English!

A non-charging battery can sometimes be caused by an overheating laptop. This problem is two-fold; with the system shutting down to prevent overheating a battery and causing a fire. Also, as the temperature rises, the battery sensor may misfire, telling the system that the battery is either fully charged or missing completely, causing the charging problems. These problems become far more likely when dealing with older laptops which don't have the quality of cooling technology used today, or when using the laptop on the couch or in bed, with a blanket or pillow covering the cooling vents. Let the system cool down and take the time to make sure that the air vents are clean and unobstructed.

By using an under-powered charger, you may have introduced high ripple voltage to the laptop charging system (voltage spikes). Thus, there are two main possibilities:
1) You damaged the charging circuit in the laptop. It might work ok with only one load - the laptop or the battery charging, but not both at the same time.
2) The battery is actually failing/dead.

If the laptop runs ok on the charger, then odds are more likely the battery is dead. However, hard to be sure. That is what you get for using improper chargers in laptops, sorry to say.