How to mark laptop battery as charged?

I used to use Dell laptops. With Dell batteries, I could press a button on the battery to find out if it was charged.

Recently I switched to Lenovo. I like the laptop, but to check the charge status of the battery I have to mount the battery and go through a few steps to see the status.

With several batteries in rotation, that can get annoying. Is there a simple system for keeping track of whether a battery has been charged? I'm thinking of the kind of thing I have on my dishwasher to indicate clean or not clean, but smaller of course.

Any suggestions?

Added (1). I have idea. I'll keep a stash of rubber bands in the laptop case, and put one around each battery as it is charged, taking it off as it is used.

Put the charged batteries in one place and the discharged batteries in another or put post-it notes on the chaged batteries. Another thing to do is to plug in the charger while the laptop is in use. Very few folks have a multi-battery arsenal. I simply keep my laptop plugged in and I'm careful with the cord. I have used only one battery for the last 5 years.

Click the on the Taskbar by the clock Customize Power Always show notification

Maybe once they are dead, place a piece masking tap and mark D?
Remove the tape once charged