How to remove my hard disk's password?

I know the password because I set it, but now I want to remove it but I don't see the option in the bios! I can set a new password but I can't remove it!
I can use my laptop normally, I'm even writing this on it, I just want to remove the hard disk password.

I'm using a Lenovo edge 15

Hard Disk Password is normally set in the 'BIOS'. It will be under " Security".

I was there, I set the password there, but the bios gives me the option to change the password, I want to remove it, not change it.

Enter BIOS.

Method 1> Look for an option called "drive lock" or "automatic drive lock" and disable it.

Method 2> Go to the option to change the password. Type in your old password, leave "new password" field blank, save changes and restart computer.