I'm using Lenovo Laptop my RAM is giving beep sound. What should i do? Does RAM problem?

I'm using Lenovo Laptop my RAM is giving beep sound. What should i do? Does RAM problem?

SOUNDS like a bad ram chip. Not hard to fix. Remove battery. And power cord. Turn on power. To discharge the power.suply. Use latex glove. Remove.bottomof laptop. To get to hd. And ram.chips, you can then. Remove. It or them. Go on newegg.com. Tigerdirect.com. You can then purchase the higher ram. Say yours 250 to 500 gig of ram and you got 2 slots, you can upgrade. To up to 1thousand. Gig or a tetrabyte of ram. Whatever. Your budget is, you can instal it your SELF. It WON'T void warranty. If you can't. Wait. Then YOU. Take your ram chip to any place selling computer and parts. However. Its lots more.expensive at store. Corsair. Kingston. And toshiba. Ibm are all good brands for ram. When a ram chip goes bad… You GOT to replace it, don't worry. All your memory. And pics. Music etc are save.to.hard drive. Ram is random acess.memory. Gret for running high performance. Software. GAMES. And programs. Such as Windows or Lennox. I build computers. And repair them

First try to clean your ram and install it back

if thant won't work try this to repair your ram,

Reinstall the windows. I solved it like that.

John's numbers are more than a little of… Hundreds and thousands of gigs for RAM? Only if you were running a really big server farm.

To troubleshoot your RAM, if you have two so-dimms, just remove one, test, then swap them and test again. To test, just power on and see if it works. The run the Windows memory diagnostic: http://windows.microsoft.com/...r-computer