I want to buy a laptop with the featuresi7 + 1tb + 8gb + 2gb GC. Suggest me which one?

But not Lenovo!

Buy a desktop instead and save yourself alot of money. And get a better computer at the same time.

Check out the ASUS latest ROG gaming laptop.
It has near performance as a desktop GPU.

Sager laptop is great.

Alienware, well, if you have that cash for it.

Toshiba and Dell are always good laptops.
I'd stay away from HP--Hewlett Packard. They've got tons of programming and structural errors in many modern and brand new laptops. Stuff that should have been dealt with in the factory, but weren't.

Sony's a good brand too, they've had good laptops. Any good brand, like I've mentioned, should provide you with good laptop with your specific needs.
I've always had to look at the construction--how keyboard feels, where slots are, etc. That's most important for me.

But you should do all right if you stay away from HP.