Is a MacBook Air worth it? - 1

I'm heading into college and ma in need of my first laptop. I want either a MacBook Air 11' or 13', or an an HP, Asus or Lenovo laptop.(preferably not made by the Chinese, so maybe not Lenovo). I want a MacBook Air because of it's long lasting battery, and also because it's light and it's longevity. I just got $520 in graduation money, and my parents said they will pay for half of a laptop. So this may be my only chance to get a Mac before I go broke in college haha. A Mac Air 11' is now $850. Also I want to try out a new OS, because Windows 8 doesn't look like it's for me. Another reason I want one is so it will last, and I won't have to buy a new laptop every 3 years. What do you think? Should I get a MacBook Air? Or save my money by getting another brand?

I would suggest going with the Macbook Air, it'll last you a good 5+ years and Apple offers its warranty/AppleCare program where you can go in and get it fixed if anything goes wrong. With Windows, it's a little harder to get it repaired when it breaks. Windows computers also tend to pick up viruses more often than Macs.
However, if your choice is based off of aesthetic appeal, go with what you think looks best. Mac is more user friendly and simple, whereas Windows are generally more customizable. Both are great for doing work, but if cost is a problem for you (which doesn't seem to be), go with a Windows. Personally, I would get the Macbook Air because even though it's a bit more expensive, it'll last you awhile and works well with Apple devices (if you have an iPod/iPad/iPhone).
Hope that helped, and good luck!