Is it possible to upgrade the CPU of a Lenovo G585 Laptop?

I'm no computer expert but I do know that my computer is pretty slow and laggy due to low CPU. I recently upgraded my RAM from 2gb to 8gb, but performance is still pretty slow because of the CPU. Is there any fix for this? Can the CPU be replaced? If so what would work with this laptop, and who could I go to to get it installed?

No, this type of CPU are normally hard wired, even if you can, the E series are all low energy and not changable with anything else, if you want it to go faster, the only route after memory upgrade is to replace the hard drive with a SSD model.

I have search a while ago.a Lenovo G585 E2-1200 1.7Ghz is different from what I have.E-300 APU 1.3Ghz, Can I replace it with the faster one or do I have to replace it with the same motherboard as the 1.7 ghz cpu?