Is lenovo a nice gaming laptop?

Is lenonovo a good gaming laptops?

especially this one:

at its price range is it a good gaming laptop?
or is there any way can I upgrade its graphics car or hardware related to gaming

You can't change the graphics card nor any of the hardware in any laptop because it's part of the whole electrical board, not a separate card. All you can change is the amount of RAM installed (and that's often a difficult job!).

Laptops are not recommended as games platforms, for serious gaming go for a desktop, because there are far more things you can upgrade.

In general YES. If you have the chance buy a used business lenovo laptop with an i7 and dedicated/discrete/MXM video card such as the lenovo W series laptops. You can buy them for the same money you could buy a new consumer built laptop with an i3. Buying any laptop with a dedicated/discrete/MXM GPU gives you the chance to upgrade it or replace it if it malfunctions. Bear in mind that business laptops have way better cooling than the consumer laptops and are more durable.