Is the Lenovo Y510P laptop with a SINGLE GPU, nvidia GT 755M okay for gaming? The model i'm going to buy has the following specs:
-i7 Intel 4700MQ 2.4Ghz (3.4 when turbo boost)
-16 Gigs of DDR3 ram
-One single GPU: GT 755m GDDR5
-15.6" screen 1920x1080 display
I wan run games like Boyfriend 3/4 & COD MW3/Ghosts & GTA IV/V & AC 3/4 & Especially good MMORPGs like Tera, Elder scrolls, blade & soul, dragon nest
or MOBAs like Smite, DOTA 2.
I wan run all these games at HIGH (not ultra, just high) atleast with 30+ FPS.