Lenovo (with Windows 8.1) laptop not starting up correctly?

I have a Lenovo Ideapad Y500 with Windows 8.1 installed on it. I turned on my computer yesterday and it looked normal. I logged in, and the computer loaded. I then clicked the "desktop" tile and when it transfered to the desktop, the screen was gray. After a few seconds the screen loaded, then went gray again, loaded, went gray again, loaded, … It will not stop no matter how long I let it sit. Unless i open the program right when the computer loads (before going into the desktop tile), i can't open any programs. The only thing I've downloaded in the past few weeks other than pdf's and word documents for homework was Bioshock Infinite (off of steam) and that was about 1.5 weeks ago so I'm not sure that if this is due to a corrupted file, which file it could be. I've tried restarting my computer, reinstalling my video drivers, and checking for stuck keys but to no avail. I'm a college student who has online homework due almost every night so it is crucial that my laptop work. I really appreciate any help I can get!

Added (1). Also I've tried loading my computer into safe mode but it won't let me for some reason (i'm assuming it's related to the problem).

It sounds like overheating issues or issues with the video card

If I were you,

I would clean the fans with a can of compressed air. (if you have the knowledge and experience, it would be best to pen it and clean any dust balls)

I would re install my video drivers

I would try to see whether any cables are stuck in the hinges ant that is causing the issues. I had a laptop that had that issue. The cable was almost cut by the hinge.

If any of this does not work, take it to a service