Lenovo Yoga Pro 2 vs MacBook Air (2012 or 2013 model)?

Okay so I desperately need a new laptop for college. I'm a computer science student with a minor in business. I'm looking for a laptop that:
- is very versatile, since most likely I'll be carrying it all around the place
- has a long battery life (6+ hours)
- high resolution screen, so my eyes won't hurt
- DURABLE - most important spec! My laptops break often for some reason… I need a laptop that would last/has a hard cover.

I mostly use my laptop for internet surfing (Google Chrome), uploading pictures and music, watching shows/movies, taking notes, and programming/using photoshop. I don't game or do anything heavy.

Most likely I'm buying a refurbished laptop as well.

Which one would be best?

I think you'd be better off with the Apple Macbook Air just for the fact that the battery can last up to 12 hours (three more than the Yoga 2). Additionally the Macbook Air is lighter, but more solidly built than the Yoga 2.