My computer not responding?

Hello guys i have lenovo b570e laptop dual core 2.4 ghz processor, 4 gb ram, it was working really very good but a few days before when i downloaded ardamax keylogger it showed me virus (i have avira antivirus) and i removed ardamax but after that it started working very very slow and is not responding to anything. I have scanned it 4 warnings were found that i deleted even after that nothing is working. It is so slow that when i scroll my mouse to start button after 1 min its responding (glowing) (i have windows 7 64 bit ). I can't help it its urgent please answer in full description

In Such case When laptops are not responding. Why don't you format your laptop and install windows again because it will be hard to bring again in previous condition by scanning through antivirus. So i suggest to boot your laptop.

Latency in responses and the name of your program suggest you downloaded a spyware known as a keylogger. It basically sends everything you type to whatever is on the other end of the logger. This is very dangerous and you should format your PC immediately. Do not download anything that has not been verified from other people. Look up reviews for things, and make sure the source is legitimate, because an antivirus this day in age doesn't mean squat.

Don't do anything sensitive on that laptop now, it's not like you can anyways. And disconnect it from internet.

Boot up your laptop with safe mode. To do so, hold F8 right after you pressed the power button. Choose safe mode without internet.

Do a restore to a previous point.

If that doesn't work, do a factory restore.
Same steps just click factory restore instead of restore to a previous point.

Be sure to back your personal files up into a flash drive or something.