My Lenovo laptop won't change its brightness when I try to from the setting. It's on the lowest. I don't?

My Lenovo laptop won't change its brightness when I try to from the setting. It's on the lowest. I don't?

Added (1). My ideapad won't change brightness. It was refurbed. I had it since 2013 but don't think there was a problem then. I also updated it to Windows 10 from Windows 8

A GUESS. A laptop has two saved brightness levels one for ON BATTERY only, and one for ON PSU only. These are also saved as MAX/MIN. It also knows what the serial number is for your BATTERY. So what you may need to do is two things, CLEAR your CMOS, and then Retrain your CMOS for your BATTERY. And then your brightness limits may be back to a better max/min. Note: if your pc has an AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR then you must not impede its operation(like shining a bright light down onto it). Clear your cmos is, Remove PSU and BATTERY, Clear cmos, usually gently holding in the on button for 30 secs is enough, refit the battery, psu do not turn on the pc yet. Retraining your battery is… Turn off the pc. Charge the battery until the LEDS say charged. Disconnect the psu. Start and use the pc on battery only, until it says insert your psu. Shutdown your pc. Reconnect your psu, recharge your pc according to the leds waiting until its full. Now turn on your pc and use it as normal, your battery is retrained.

Start by looking in the owners manual

When laptops first came out, most people thought that they would not be bright enough. To counter this idea, manufacturers made them too bright, and didn't allow brightness to be turned down.

Yes Lenovo is very bad about getting the driver's right off of the website if you don't get the driver's right off of the Lenovo website for video and for power management and for the hotkeys lots of things on the Lenovo laptop won't work right so you might as well do it the right way go to the website and download each and every driver specific to your Lenovo laptop and install every last one of them

No idea