No display on laptop only in my apartment?

My dad had bought me a used Lenovo ThinkPad T410 for college back in January. Everything was fine up until about April when all of the sudden My computer would turn on, however there would be no display. I had a computer repair guy run a bunch of tests and he said it would turn on for him and he couldn't find a single thing wrong with it. Every time I turn it on in my apartment there's no display, BUT I've realized it works EVERYWHERE else! Every time I take it to mt parents house it works just fine! No one has been able to help me with what could be happening with it, everyone is just as puzzled as I'm. Anyone have any ideas?!

The settings on the TV set You're using is not correctly adjusted… You need to go into the TV's menu and set ot to something basic for that particular input like 1024 x 768 at 60Hz refresh rate.

You shouldn;t have to reboot that laptop but it couldn't hurt anyway… Then the TV will be able to display the output from the laptop, and You can re-check what it will support form other resolutions too.

This especailly happens when You transfer the laptop to many different sets or monitors frequently.

I have never come across this problem so I really have no idea. The only reference I have found is that the magnetic switch that determines whether the display lid is opened might be disturbed. Assuming this is possible, see if there's any strong EMF device sits right behind where you place your laptop in your apartment. Move it a few feet away and see if this is the case.

Your house may not be having a proper earthing.
i had faced nearly similar problem with my desktop about 7 yrs ago.
the display used to go off after some time and if touched the monitor it used give shock.
get an electrician and check for earthing in your sockets.

There's something in your house interfering with your laptop's display, that's just my hunch (I've never personally heard of this happening)
Turn every electronic device in your house off and then try switching your laptop on. You might find the source to your problem like this.

The easiest way to find a solution to your problem is by contacting Lenovo.

Lenovo's support line for ThinkPad Prodcuts;
08705-500-900 (Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm GMT)

You Take It Customer care.