Playing games with resolutions lower than 1920x1080 in a 1920x1080 screen?

So guys, i want to buy a gaming laptop (fyi, this is the laptop: The max screen resolution is 1920x1080. So, i went to this site and saw all the benchmarks of the graphics card of the laptop. And many games were not running good in 1920x1080, so i'm thinking of changing the resolution of the games that i'll play in the future to 1366x768 or 1280x720 and more… Will it look really bad? I mean, i understand playing games in eg.1280x720 in a screen that can display max 1280x720 resolution. But will be different if i'm doing the exact same thing but with a 1920x1080 screen?

Thanks for your answers, 10pts to best answer.

(sorry if i said anything wrong, i'm not a native english speaker)

Ok, what is resolution? Resolution is the number of pixel… The more pixels it has, the more detailed or sharp image you got.

In consumer terms
1280x720 = HD 720, 1920x1080 = HD 1080

Does it look bad? No, for small screen, it doesn't look any different from your naked eye. However for big screen like TV, resolution is very important.

Your English is better then many of the native speakers who post on this site.

Your computer will be able to play games with a lower resolution without any problems. Computers are designed to be able to run in lower resolutions with affecting the quality of the image. (In fact the lower resolution will look better then if you tried to run it in the higher resolution.)

If you want proof, take your current computer and load up a picture. Then lower the resolution several times. You will notice that while the image gets "larger", the quality does not change. Your computer is designed to be able to use all those resolutions perfectly.