What kind of laptop should I get?

I had a Hp Envy M6 Notebook that I bought 2-3 years ago. I dropped it on accident and now the damage done to it is going to cost me more than it's worth. I want to get a laptop with equivalent specs. My brother says I should get a Lenovo. I use my laptop for online school, I also play a lot of games on Steam with it, so it needs to have good memory. I don't care if it is Windows 7 or Windows 8. Let me know what suggestions you have, I'm not very good at picking computers.

Cost-wise, go for Lenovo. Their are a lot of Lenovo high end model laptops. If you go for durability, go for HP.

Why not just get an exact duplicate of what you have now if what you had was good. That way… You can simply swap the hard drive out and you will be back in business INSTANTLY.

I purchase exact duplicates of machines all the time for my clients. I typically use eBay or Craigslist to do so. There are 69 of your model on eBay right now.
