What type of Ram For Lenovo Z500?

Today i going to shop for buy a 8GB ram for My Z500 but i'm confused

I shoud buy Dual Channel or One Channel? Dual Channel 800mhz equal to 1600mhz right? Shoud i buy a 800mhz dual or one 1600 or dual 1600? Or i should buy 1333mhz? I'm really confuse!

DDR3 PC3 or PC3L? Please Guide me!

204 Pin? How many Pin?

Its really hard to find a right ram

What brand i should buy is there any different?

1333 or 1600? Dual or One? 800mhz or what?

Thanks a lot

My laptop is ideapad z500 corei7 with 6gb ram for now
i attack cpu-z info about my current ram What type of Ram For Lenovo Z500

Go to the Lenovo website and look up your particular Lenovo. The specs, including type of RAM, should be listed.