Why does my laptop have such low memory even when I deleted almost every file?

I have no music, no files, documents or photos, I deleted all of it and put it on a USB flash drive or emailed some of ti to myself. And my laptop is showing it has low memory!
Why? This is a Lenovo laptop and maybe an 'ideapad', it costs $350. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I do not do any serious work on my laptop. Just some school work, on powerpoint or Microsoft word and internet browsing.
I deleted all my files and it's showing low space, like 143MB of 27.8GB left, Why? I'm confused?

Added (1). I literally deleted everything, I have like 3 Microsoft word documents and it's not a huge file…

Added (2). YES, that's what I find odd, I DID EMPTY the Recycle Bin.


Added (4). @starrysky, You're right, it sounds like it just has low memory to begin with. And also it could be because it's be windows 10 and takes lots of memory

Empty the recycling bin

Was the Bin cleared of the deleted files?

Could try using CCleaner to see if that helps.

You might have confused "low memory" with small available space on the hard disk drive. "Low memory" is a message that almost all your RAM is occupied with program files. Your laptop will slow if you require more programs to run at the same time.
If you have a verified actual open space of only 143 MB of some tiny disk space of 27 GB, you have a serious problem. What is the size of the storage on the drive? 32 GB only? Then you have a very tiny solid state drive that is full of program files like Microsnot Window OS, any other programs you use. You might need a larger storage like a big HDD or a medium SSD in that laptop, or even large USB flash drives, or a large hard disk drive in a USB enclosure.
That is all that can be guessed from only "a Lenovo laptop and maybe an 'ideapad', it costs $350." but no model number or actual capacity of the storage in it.

Use Windows utility Disk Cleanup.It might do a job.
You can find this utility: click on icon This PC.Right clicl on Local Disk {C:}. On drop down menu left click on Properties.
Click on Disk Cleanup

Perhaps the memory module failed. Perhaps the hard drive is corrupted. Have it checked.

I will assume your using Windows 10 =
Click On Start > Settings and then in Settings click on System. In System down the left side click on STORAGE.
You will then see a graph of your hard drive C:.
Click on this Graph and a new set of Graphs will open showing you what is taking up all the space on your hard drive. How Big is your Hard Drive?

Empty trash.

Take note, memory or RAM, is different from storage or HDD/SSD space.

If you set your computer to autoupdate, the hard disk (HDD) may be filling up without you noticing it. Go to the drive properties and do a Disk Cleanup.

Sounds like its cluttered

Get my memory or update it to windows 10 if you computer will take it