Would installing a new copy of windows fix my laptop's graphics card problem?

A while back, my hard drive crashed. I used to have a Lenovo think pad running vista. I put in a different hard drive and am now running a bootleg copy of windows 7. My graphics card doesn't function properly now. When I go to install a simple game or something, it fails because it can't detect a graphics driver. I've tried numerous times to install different graphics drivers, but none of them work. The system can't even detect what graphics card I have. It shows up as unknown. My computer is also stuck at a low resolution, and can't output through an hdmi cable anymore. Will installing an authentic copy of windows 7 fix this issue, or no? Is there anything I can do to regain full functionality of my graphics card, or is the computer screwed because of the mismatched hard drive?

What is the model of your laptop? Did you install the video driver from Lenovo? Have you searched Lenovo for drivers? A fresh OS install will probably install a generic driver, but it all depends on the laptop model. If this laptop was designed for an earlier OS version such as Vista or XP, then Windows 7 might not install the video driver properly.

Try drivereasy it will catalogue the hardware on your machine and offer you all the latest drivers. I'd dump Vista as its now unsupported for updates and doesn't work properly with many new programs

Might be time to wipe and reload Windows.

Might be time to wipe and buy a legal copy of windoze, or install Linux. Free.