Lenovo G500- Can't record Microphone while playing a game?

Okay, so. I'm trying to record my screen video + audio as well as my webcam video + audio. I can record all except webcam audio. I use Mirillis Action! For my recording software (trial version) and I can easily record the screen video and audio and my webcam video. I have tried using different setting on Action, but to no avail. I tried using an old-ish Logitech stand-up, thin, microphone (not sure what exactly is the model/type), but there's no input jack on my Lenovo. I tried plugging in the microphone anyways, but when I launched the game, I could not hear the sound. Also, it did not work as a microphone input either. All I could see was the game screen and me talking without sound, looking very funny.
So, is there a way to fix this, or do I need to buy a USB-to-audio converter cord, or is there another way around this?
I have already searched some online about this problem, but I get no answers that are particular to my problem. I'm getting very frustrated and just want to record myself getting scared by the Outlast game and some others, and then post to YouTube. It blows my mind that Lenovo would not include an input jack, only having a headphone/output jack. Please help, any suggestions would be much appreciated, and I will vote best answer to the person who can provide a way to record all video and audio without me having to spend any money. If there's no such way I will vote the best answer to the next most useful solution/s.

Tt x