Lenovo touchpad problems?

Lenovo touchpad problems?

Added (1). I just cleaned my computer up, restarted it, and now the touchpad is wonky. Sliding my finger on the edge no longer scroll pages, and even worse, double tapping the touchpad doesn't hold onto things (i.e. Double tapping won't let me drag a page; I have to actually right-click and hold).

Any ideas? It was working fine before I cleaned up, and I'm sure I didn't change any mouse settings. Just got

Added (2). rid of old files.***

There may be two reasons of this non working touchpad. First is that there's a problem in your laptop hardware or second one is your laptop is infected with a virus. The solution of second problem is reinstall your window or install any antivirus that can remove the virus who is causing this problem.

You can download touchpad driver just search on google with model of your laptop if it still doesn't work then go to customer care.

My touchpad is weird i will be sliding my finger over it and then all of a sudden my screen gets bigger and bigger