Need to edit short films/youtube videos. Should I get a MAC or PC?

Need to edit short films/youtube videos. Should I get a MAC or PC?

I have both a Mac and PC.

In short get a PC, I recommend Lenovo,

Reason 1:Mac will be more expensive than a PC with the same specs.

Reason 2: Video editing performance does not depend so much on PC or MAC, but on Graphics card and CPU, that actually do the processing.

Want good looking quality get Mac
Want value for money get PC Doesn't matter, the editing softwares for both. Windows PC. I agree with Tule.
I'm currently a film student and have edited multiple short films and music video's with Adobe Premiere pro CC. I'm currently using a Lenova pc which has a core i7 processor and 8gb RAM. I don't specifically go for Lenova when buying a laptop but I'm more concerned with the specs, for instance if you are editing with premiere you want to atleast have a core i5 processor and 8GB RAM.
PS: PC is alot cheaper!

Doesn't matter, the editing softwares for both.

Windows PC.

I agree with Tule.
I'm currently a film student and have edited multiple short films and music video's with Adobe Premiere pro CC. I'm currently using a Lenova pc which has a core i7 processor and 8gb RAM. I don't specifically go for Lenova when buying a laptop but I'm more concerned with the specs, for instance if you are editing with premiere you want to atleast have a core i5 processor and 8GB RAM.
PS: PC is alot cheaper!