Can i change AMD processor in my lenovo G570?

Can i change AMD processor in my lenovo G570? - 1

Added (1). Can i change AMD processor in my lenovo G570?
Now it is in intel dual core. 2 GB ram can i upgrade to AMD processor and 8GB ram?


Would need to know exactly what sub-model of G570 you have.
Most were Intel cpu and could not change to AMD
socket, core logic chipset, wattage/power, parts availability, labor to do it, how much you get in performance
all factors

If you have 64 bit windows, you can upgrade ram.
Install Speccy to identify your ram and slots.
visit for a scan to confirm.
in 2gb, it is usually 1x2gb and an open slot.
you can match your ram by parameters to get 4gb, add a matching 4 to get 6, or replace with 2x4gb to get 8, assuming a 2 slot motherboard.
Can't change between amd and intel for cpu without changing the motherboard also.

Hi No that is not an option in any laptop as the case is designed around the case and it's cooling system. Neither can the graphics aray be changed part of the motherboard.
only in a desktop can these things be changed, yes i know i have heard they same **** heads who claim these things. As a computer tech for the last 40 years i hear a lot of stupid nonsense.

No… You can't… Even if you could remove the processor… The socket is an intel socket not an AMD socket… So right off the bat… No…
