Can the Lenovo Yoga Pro 2 Handle 3200x1800 Resolution?

My sister wants to get the Yogo Pro 2, and I'm a computer enthusiast so its basically killing me right now. Problem is I noticed that the system has a 3200x1800 display and only has an Intel HD 4400 GPU. This GPU was built for typical 1366x768 resolutions, and its rather dated. I can't possibly see this computer performing well with such a low end GPU and such an outlandish resolution, even though she isn't doing anything particularly demanding on it. If you do the math 1366x768 is 1 million pixels while 3200x1800 is 6 million pixels. Therefore the higher resolution has to render 6x as many pixels. In a couple of years when the software is updated I don't believe the system will be performing well at all. Does anybody have a Yoga Pro 2 or have more information on low end integrated graphics on near 4k resolutions? I just can't fathom this being possible, but I don't own one so I don't know.

I understand that you can turn the resolution down, but that just defeats the purpose of having a nice display, plus I'm not sure if changing the main resolution would always take into effect when third party software is used.
Thank you.

Added (1). Also from what I've noticed Lenovo is very late when it comes to updating hardwar (particularly CPUs). Come June when the Broadwell series is released will the Yoga get Iris Pro Graphics. She needs the computer by August so she can't wait too long.

How the h*ell is that possible the GTX 780 can bearly handle it. It must be overclocked or just lenovo asked intel for that high resultation.