How good are these specs for gaming?

How good are these specs for playing games on the PC. My desktop's stats:

64 Bit
Intel Core i5-4430 @ 3.00 GHZ, 8.0 RAM, Nvidea GeForce GT 630.

Are these at least decent stats for playing games? I bought this Lenovo desktop pc for $700 about a year ago.

I'm sorry to say, but it's a very overpriced/underpowered PC. It'll play games (a friend of mine even runs LoL/JC2/Borderlands 2 on low at ~20 fps with a GT 310), but that thing is NOT powerful. If you are going for very light gaming it's enough, but for anything real you'll need at least a GTX 650. The CPU is decent, and RAM is just fine. However, with that GPU it's not worth more than $500, even a year ago…

You should be fine, it would be more helpful for the website reference.

That's around the Gaming PC specs that I've got, these are my specs:
Rosewill Line-M - Case
Intel Core i5 4430 - CPU
Sapphire Radeon R9 270X - GPU
MSI B85M-G43 - Motherboard
8GB G.SKILL Ripjaws X - RAM
1TB Western Digital Blue - HDD
500W Corsair CX500 - PSU
Yeah, it can run BF4 on Ultra settings at 1080p, Metro Last Light on Very High at 1080p, it's a pretty good PC.