The i3 is alright, if you weren't going to game. It probably comes with HD 4000 or 3000, which is alright for Minecraft. The 3000 can play minecraft with a celeron on low settings with a good 25FPS, so I imagine this laptop will play it on low-med settings with 10 or 15fps more. The 8GB of RAM is awesome, along with 1TB. More than enough for any game. Save up $200 or $300 more, or ask simply for money for Christmas so you can buy a desktop that is suitable for gaming. Anything more than 8GB DDR3 RAM is more than enough for gaming, if you want to video edit, thats when you buy 12GB of RAM. No game to date will use the full 12GB TruePatriot has.
If you want to play the very first COD/Battelfield's then this should play those, but BF4 or COD Advanced Warefare, it will blow up (not literally but you know what I mean.)
Also, AMD systems usually come with a more powerful integrated GPU than Intel, and they are a bit cheaper. Look for them.