If an All in one PC and a Desktop Tower PC had the same specs, would they perform differently?

I'm looking to get a new PC, and I found a Lenovo All in one and Tower that have the same specs. Will they perform differently, like do All in ones work differently internally, giving them a less efficient or less reliable quality? I'm also a gamer and most gamers usually like towers over All in ones, but I don't know if they just haven't seen one with good specs or do they just have bad cons. The All in one is:


And the Tower is:


Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks!

The All-in-one lenovo is using micro parts, which are significantly weaker than high-end, big card. The Desktop would obviously outperform it.

But if you're spending $1500 on a computer for games, you can probably make the same thing for 1/2 the price yourself. Or make it 10x better for the same price. It's not really hard, do some research. I know a few 9 year olds that did it.

If you can't be convinced to do that, obviously go for the Desktop. Has more room for upgrades, and already has superior parts.

650 is a really cheap GPU though. I spent $800 on my rig and it's doubles that performance. It's up-gradable though, and works for most games.

If they had the same exact cpu, ram, and video card, and hd/Ssd they should perform the same, but the all in one isn't so upgradeable. Neither are pre-built pc's really. You would come out better building your own. You will get a much faster computer for the price and avoid the preinstalled bloatware, and you can pick a nice video card to mine with to make it pay for itself. Then check out ev0lve.com to get rich. I made over $400 there today. But I can thank Max Keiser for that.