Site with the best prices for PCs?

Looking to buy a new PC. Still not sure what I want, if a laptop or a desktop, I'm gonna move soon so I think a laptop would be better.

I'm not looking for something too fancy, in the $350-450 range that can run a few of the popular games out there like LoL, Diablo 3 etc. And that can stream HD with no lag.

I tried Newegg, but since the last time I was on the market for new hardware was about 5 years, everything is new and confusing. I don't know what is good and what is bad anymore lol.

Lenovo and asus are the best brand for the laptop.

If you don't want to build a computer yourself, then it depends on your budget and what you're going to be using the computer for.

If you're going to be gaming with it, I would look at

They make both laptops and desktops designed for gaming, but be aware that prices will be a bit on the high side.

If you don't mind buying a desktop, you can take a look at

They can customize a desktop machine for you, and have fairly close to the lowest prices (the only way to get a computer much cheaper would be to build it yourself), and they're reliable… I've used them a time or two myself, when I bought new computers for my relatives and didn't want to have to keep track of multiple warranties (which you have to do if you build your own).

Another good site is or

Id recommend building your own but if you insist on buying prebuilt (tsk tsk) i would go to they have tons of new and used computers. For those games i would recommend quad core and 3.4 Ghz at least. For your price range you worn get any sort of decent intel cpu so id go for and AMD cpu or apu (graphics processing unit + central processing unit). Amazon ALWAYS has good deals too

You can try
It is trustworthy and reliable.