What should i buy: a Retina Macbook Pro 13 OR a Lenovo Y510?

About Me: I'm 18 about to enter college. I require it mostly for web browsing(lots of reading) and everyday use. I would also like gaming capabilities. The laptop won't be used while commuting. Mostly in house. I do not have a desktop at home (i do have a painfully slow laptop). I would like it to last well for atleast 4-5 years!

I have read a lot about how much better OSX is compared to Windows and i really fancy a Macbook and its awesome display. Can the Mac handle games like BF4 at playable settings? Is it worth making the jump to OSX sacrificing Gaming capabilities? Please help!
ALSO: The Macbook(256gb ssd and 8gb ram) is About 500$ (30000rs) more expensive in India.

i would prefer someone who has used both OSes or Preferably both laptops!

(and no i can't build a hackintosh though i would love to, no space for a desktop!)

This question is really subjective and depends on how you use your computer. If you need a computer that can almost never get spyware/malware, has applications that are almost completely perfect in terms of quality control and all look and perform exactly the same, etc I suggest that you go for the mac. It will also probably be the one that will give you a solid battery life and the best build.

That being said, a PC is far more powerful and you can get virus free by installing ubuntu. OSX sucks in terms of gaming so don't even try going there. You won't be able to play BF4. Also, if you are obsessed with specifications, the mac is overpriced and you will get the least out of it. With things like MS Office, a PC will handle your'e college needs far far better.

What's more, you can even consider a thin and light ultrabook like the Sony VAIO Pro 13 or the Lenovo Yoga 13 which come with amazing hardware and even touchscreens that are thin, light, easy to use, have amazing battery life and are mostly better than the macbook (Intel's u series have best battery life) except in screen (It's 165.63 ppi vs 216.53 ppi if you are reffering to the retina macbook) and maybe build quality but in my experience I prefer plastic as aluminum heats up a lot.

Or you can choose a computer like the Lenovo Y510 which is an all round gaming computer which will beat the macbook in every aspect but battery life and build, except in terms of heat, same point as the sony.

I don't think you need OSX for college, especially in India. And Windows will suit you better IMO

Regarding Battlefield 4, Mac can't run it. The end. You'll have to bootcamp to windows which is essentially a dual boot or replacing the OSX entirely with windows and if the macbook you are referring to is the one with Intel Graphics 4000 or Intel Iris Graphics (even the retina model has this), kiss that dream goodbye.

What's more, if you want to plug your laptop into a TV, with the macbook, you'll have to buy a thunderbolt to HDMI converter (which is expensive) and then a HDMI cable. With a laptop PC, you'll just need the HDMI cable and It. The same for most macbook accessories. You'll end up having to buy a lot which is pissing off.

BTW, Windows 8 is faster than maverics in almost every aspect, including boot time, even with lower end hardware. If you have an issue with the UI, you can replace it with Windows 7 and if you get an ultrabook with a touchscreen like the sony i mentioned, the UI will only compliment your usage.

My overall experience using the macbook however, was quite good. The UI doesn't lag or stutter, it's easy to use and everything works exactly how you would expect. Two USB 3 ports are quite convinient ant battery life and build have always been rock solid. It does get heated up quite painfully much too often, though and many of the applications I use aren't even available, although the ones that are work solid. The touchpad is probably the best but the natural scrolling takes a lot of getting used to. The chat camera is pretty amazing and so is the screen color representation and overall calibration. The stereo speakers are probably the best in class. Some other irks i faced mostly involve hardware compatibility as some of the usb dongles i tried don't work. Also, the thing takes ages to boot up. I mean AGES.



MacBook for college x you will get the most out of it