Where is the missing home start button?

I recently bought a Lenovo Horizon that didn't have the Windows 8.1 update. I updated it and instead of going to tiles it took me straight to the desktop. Moreover there was this small home shaped button next to the windows button on the task bar. I clicked it and it was basically a start button but really cool. I really liked how it worked and I thought it was part of the latest Windows 8.1 update. Am I missing something? Does anyone know anything about this mysterious button?

Busca la actualizacion en la tiendita o entra a configuracion del pc y busca actualizaciones del sistema.

When you install the updates, not all software is still compatible with the newer updates. If you insist your button to come back, check Lenovo's website for software updates, in the support section.

It's gone, along with the ability to find files. W8 is the biggest pile of trash ever created. Upgrade to another OS. Last time I checked the OS was a platform for running apps as opposed to wasting time and being frustrated.

Every hour someone else has a question such as yours or worse. Pull the plug. Get Linux, get W7 get XP get anything and then get your like back.

Just sayin'.