Basically I've been getting very poor performance out of my pc, I thought it might have been conflicting drivers from when I installed my new nvidia gpu. So i went through and deleted many of my old amd drivers, and I did get a large performance boost but still not the type of performance I think I should be getting. I'm also experiencing other weird issues and I'm worried I uninstalled drivers I may have needed, so I'm considering resetting my computer, will that install all my old amd drivers again? Is there a better way to figure out which drivers are old and which are new? And if any are missing?
Here's my specs:
GPU: GeForce GTX 960
CPU: AMD A8 7600 Radeon R7 (Cores: 4c+6g)
Memory: 8GB RAM
OS: Windows 8.1
The PC is a Lenovo x315 gaming desktop I upgraded the graphics card to GTX 960
You can find more details if you need them.
if you can think of any other possible reasons I'm getting poor performance let me know! Also I understand my cpu isn't great but I wouldn't think I'd be getting such poor performance, I'm getting major fluctuations in games like Skyrim ranging from 25-30 fps in cities to about 150-160fps outside, same with fallout NV anywhere from 30-80fps very randomly it fluctuates.