Fed up due to unemeployment, please guide. Probably choose wrong profession?

I resigned from job and since september i'm seated at home doing nothing.
Due to financial issues i couldnt even do something extra like classes or learn something.

I think that i have done career in wrong profession i.e. Engineering. Probably my parents always kept saying that engineering and coctor are best professions and hence i liked it while studying but now i can't really work properly. I feel it is boring thing.

Since i'm at home i feel like my life has come to end and i'm only 28 years age, how am i gonna spend my next 40-50 years if i dnt work somewhere… I know that right time has gone by and i really wanted to play sport of study history but did not get proper guidance and here i'm stuck i'm middle of mess…

i'm my last 2 jobs whenever i was about to achieve something good, somwthing bad happened and both times i decided to quit thse jobs.

just guide m people. What other profession can i take up probably do some business. I tried interviews in so many companies, nothing seems to be working for me.

and one more thing, i hate to be restricted and asked to do overtime. At work as if we dnt have any life other that company. Bosses expect us to spend more than 8 hours in company, they may have no other things to do, but i do have…

Its just that everything was going good for me and suddenly i've lost everything.

please guide me what should i do in such situation.

The problem is certainly in you and not in your employment.
"I hate to be restricted and asked to do overtime" - Engineering is a salaried worker profession, and is pay for performance in most companies. I spent 31 years as an Engineer at IBM and Lenovo and my typical work week was 55 to 60 hours. At 28 years old, I was working full time and completed a Master of Business degree at night school. You are basically lazy. You quit a job while you needed the pay and I have no idea what you expected, but finding a new job at a decent pay is never an easy task. Your lack of commitment made for weak references. "Boring thing" - What do you expect out of employment? Do you think it is less boring sitting around at home? What actually interests you that can earn a salary?

Your problem is that you need to wake up to reality. People that run their own businesses put in the most hours to make it successful. It is relatively low paying jobs at relatively low skills that are 40 hours a week.
If you don't have the skill set for a job you think you would enjoy, you have to figure out the job and whether there's government funding to get training for it. You have found a path to nowhere, and the problem is in you - it is not the world. You have a false expectation of what employment is about.

You are 28 years old, you quit your job and you expected everything to turn out OK? You're an idiot. How you managed to get an engineering degree is beyond me. You are the one who decided to quit your jobs. No one forced you to do that.

You have asked this question several times before, and the reply to you will not change. It is impossible for someone else to 'get into your mind' and discover what it is that you would prefer to do. We could - all of us - state exactly what you have stated, but you are (as Andy L says) not being realistic at all. You, and only you, must decide what else you are interested in, and aim for it.
Firstly, you must be open to working many and long hours. With the current recession, it is no time to 'act precious' and say you don't want to pull out all the stops, and work hard.
It is also a good idea for you, while you are in this 'in limbo' stage, to work voluntarily. It helps other people, and looks good on your CV that you haven't just been sitting around.
Personally, I will not again reply to your request. You don't wish to take anyone else's suggestions, and are acting rather like a four year old. Decide what else you want to do, and do it!