What could be wrong with my Lenovo? Please offer some advice?

So I have a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. I've had it for about 2 years, and it has been causing me issues left and right. At first it was working great for a solid 6 months, but now it's at it's worst - there's something wrong with the laptop overall.
Basically, whenever I press the power button, the screen won't turn on, BUT the light on the power button is still on. When I first discovered it wasn't working, I tried charging it, with no luck. I tried pressing the force reset button on the side, no luck. If I press the windows button on the screen it still vibrates, but nothing comes up. I can't even hear the laptop running - no fan or anything. Also, when I press caps lock, the light doesn't come on.
I've tried to let the laptop's battery "die" for a few days now by not putting in the charger, but the power button's light is STILL on.
I'm taking it to Best Buy tomorrow to see if they can fix it, but does anybody know what can be the issue? Also, how much would it cost? (running low on money…)

This may sound weird to you but give it a try. Unplug the power cord. Remove the battery. Plug the power cord back in. See if it will boot up. Some laptops require a battery installed to boot up and some don't. I have on occasion seen instances where a defective battery is the cause of the pc not booting up. It's worth a try. If it boots up with a/c power and no battery installed, then you need to buy a new battery.

Make sure you have nothing plugged into the USB ports or a DVD/CD in the player.

Try a hard reset

1. Unplug AC adapter from laptop.
2. Remove the battery.
The link below shows how to get to the battery and remove it. AT the 41 second mark you cab clearly see the battery.

3. Press and hold the power on button for 1 full minute.
Yes, many machines only require 10 or 15 seconds but this reset instruction is generic and I have found people hold the button for 9 or 14 seconds so let's write the full minute.
4. Let go of the power on button.
5. Slip in the battery pack.
6. Plug in the power to the laptop and to the wall.
7. Do not plug in any other devices.

Try the power on button!

If that does not work try it again without putting the battery back in. If either of these works, it is an indication that you have a bad battery. Do not use it with the bad battery install.

If that does not work check the lights to see if any of them are blinking in a pattern. Sometimes you can get a diagnostic from a blinking caps lock or some other light. HP has a very good post code thru its cap locks. The link below shows what they mean. It will help get an idea of what to look for.


Check the power jack in the puter and see if it is loose. They have a bad habit of becoming detached from the motherboard.

If no lights are blinking or other wise you might have a dead AC adapter. Find someone with a DVM and see if you can check it. If you have no experience with DVM get someone with experience to do it. You can cause damage if you do it wrong.

If none of this works then you probably have a bad motherboard.