How to set up dual monitors using 2 HDMI cables?

I can only set up dual monitors using a VGA cable on one monitor and an HDMI on the other. I would like to know if its possible to use HDMI cables on both monitors. My pc has 2 HDMI ports.
I have a Lenovo K450E, Nvidia GT720.
Please help!
ps. I want to get the best possible image resolution.

Added (1). Also, I forgot to say that both my monitors have HDMI ports also. But when I try setting it up this way, one monitor doesn't receive the signal

You can get DVI to HDMI dumb adapters. But not HDMI to VGA since one is digital and the other analog. At least, not cheap dumb ones - I imagine you can get active ones that might cost as much as a small HDMI monitor.

On some dual-head cards with a HDMI port, the HDMI signal is a clone of one head so you can't run 3-head or run, say, DVI and HDMI at once. But I can't see the point of providing two HDMI ports on a laptop if you can't use both at once. shows $10 to $17 converters.
Lots cheaper than an HDMI monitor. The quality might not be what you want after that VGA to HDMI conversion.
You can use a Matrox dual HDMI Head2Go box for two screens from one cord. NOT a splitter. You should use same model screens for best images. Expensive.
Other ways to add a monitor:
Motherboard port (if exists and is right type) that can be activated in BIOS (some can't).
USB to HDMI external video adapter and its software.
A different video card with DVI and HDMI outputs
Another video card (if there's a slot and power for it)
Another computer's screen, linked on network by ZoneScreen or MaxiVistA software.
There are many models with that same model number. Is this yours?

The first question was not really answered. Is it not possible to have two monitors both using HDMI?