How to turn on the Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro?

So, I just got a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro a few days ago and was wondering how to properly turn it on after it is shut down? So far, the only thing that works is plugging it in and turning it on, even if it has a full charge and that seems strange to me, but maybe it's a Lenovo thing? It works fine if I unplug it after the fact but the initial turning on requires me to plug it in. Please let me know if I'm doing this right!

When it is not plugged in, the white light next to the power buttton just flashes at me until I plug it in.

Added (1). UPDATE- Funny thing, right after I typed this, I shut down my Pro, tried to boot it up unplugged and it worked. I would still like feedback on how to properly turn it on when unplugged, how long it generally takes to boot up, etc.
