I just upgraded my ram and it gives me a blue screen

My computer is a Think pad t410 and it shuts down about ten - 5 mins after start and i DID look online and it says on the lenovo webpage that my computer can support up to 8 gigs of ram i bought this ram from best buy and THEY said my computer can support up to 8 gigs… And they said IT WOULD WORK. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Sounds to me like the ram might not be seated in it's slots right. There should be snappy things, or hooks, ram ALWAYS snaps in. Don't be afraid to press on them pretty firmly to get them to seat (snap) into place where they need to be.

First: Watch the black screens when the computer launches. The very first screen should tell you how much ram you have, does it report the amount of ram you physically have? If not it's most likely that
A) the ram isn't seated properly or
B) the ram isn't working right. Return it.

… IF you have that info turned on so post screens report everything. If that feature isn't turned on try pressing the Tab key repeatedly after pressing the power button to turn it on. That's usually the hot key to turn what's called Post information on.

Your motherboard supports 8 gb of ram but does it support the frequency of ram you bought? Look for a speed measured in megahertz (mhz) it may be 1066,1333,1600, etc. Also, the ram you just bought and the ram already in your computer need to be the same frequency. If they arent, you can set it lower in the bios, but not higher, however i would recommend returning the new ram for a lower speed so you can save some money, but thats only if that ram is faster than what your motherboard supports.